Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Exploiting Our Potential

I have compromised my blog by enabling COMMENTS which I have simultaneously renamed COMPROMISES. Please feel free to embarrass me, make an ass of yourself or put us both in compromising situations as often as you deem appropriate.

10 compromises:

James S said...

let's compromise, my friend.

cara. said...

yay! i feel liberated.

Anonymous said...

You should not compromise the english language by enabling it to recognize plural. "1 compromises" is a compromise.

Austin said...

EXACTLY! Thanks for noticing you sweet bearded genius.

daniela said...

Its about damn time

dennism said...

i hope you've been working on your fancy footwork, cause we got some soccer to play when u come visit!

coreyhickey said...

you make me sick

Austin said...


Anita said...

teets. moving to brooklyn in 14 days.
never see you again.
your queso con leche.

azuree said...

austin. please explain the photo of yourself touching a womans feet on flickr with a sicko look about your face.

then come visit the commune in chicago. please and thank you.